I love my new wsm


John L H

New member
After some 10yrs of using my crappy offset I finely slept on a over night cook.
prepped around 5pm, fire started at 9pm, shoulder on at 10pm, asleep before midnight.


Woke up late 7am and temp was right where I left it 210 on the lid thermo. Foiled and tossed on some fatty's.


shoulder went into the cooler around 1pm and tossed some taters on the coals. Yummy stuff at 4ish


wife,kids & my neighbor were in heaven.
Sniff Sniff it was so nice not having to sleep on the picnic table
I was going to ask why you foiled - seems like you had plenty of time - but after seeing your handgun in photo 1, I figured I'd just let it go.

Welcome to the board.
c'mon John, sleepin' on a picnic table can't be toooo bad if you're cookin' grub THIS GOOD!

Nice Work Pal!
Great looking butt. I, too, would like to know the fate of the fatties.

As for your WSM, I know you're excited now, but that will wear off in time...not.

