I got Robbed


billy hughes

New member
Well not really but i sure missed out on a great deal....i went to sams today to get some ribs, as i was in line to check out i noticed an older lady had a rack of bb ribs, price was 2.95... so i looked again at it thinking ok thats per pound, but no it said total price 2.95...soooo i asked the lady where she had found it and she said oh theres plenty more back there, well needless to say i ran back to the back looking, i couldn't find the ribs at that price so i asked the meat lady about it and she said oh u just missed it, there was a price error and u can buy as many as u like till they notice the error then they change it....well that poor little lady at that price only bought 1 rack and left tons more back there, i guess its for the best because i would have taken out a loan to get all those ribs at that price, oh yea and bought a much bigger freezer....and a bigger truck to....lolll...so i guess it all worked out....kinda sorta...loll....

oh 1 question, i bought a butt and it weighs like over 12 lbs. can i just cut it in half making 2 6 lbs. and should i put 1 on the top rack 1 on the botton, i will be smoking ribs to....its my first smoke so by golly i might as well do it right.....problem being for the last few days it been raining every evening here, i do have a porch i could smoke on it has a roof, other then that i guess i would have to wait....Billy
If your 12+ lb. butt is in cryovac, you'll probably find you already have two 6 pounders when you open it.

