i got mine !


George Curtis

TVWBB Olympian
as i usually do, i went to the second hand store and sitting there yelling out at me was an old kettle gaser !
in decent shape with wood handles. don't care if it works or not, its mine. $13 is not a bad price either.
anyone got info on these ? will post pic later.
will load a pic later. called weber and the guy i talked to was new. didn't even know about them so i showed him some pics here on this site. no parts available. i have since taken it apart. rust here and there. valve is frozen shut but i can get that apart and fixed. burner is available at differant sites. a bit much for me. its ok as i really didn't plan on using it anyway. there is a shield around the burner that rusted but i will replace it with a ss dish. wold love to get a manual on it but havn't found any so far.
so i got to working on the gas valve yesterday. after using the little hand impact tool to get the screws out and taking it apart it didn't look bad on the inside. but the cover and shaft were corroded together. soaked over night and today i put some heat to it and got it worked loose a bit. soaked some more and it finally worked loose. so cleaned it all up. put it back together with some moly grease and now the valve works perfectly. more to come.
George that is amazing. I have a Patio Cadie gas grill that I love to do some quick things on. if you get this up and running, you will like it. same great cooking because of the dome lid, but obviously missing the great taste of charcoal. I still use my performer or platinum 99 percent of the time. But a great find! And ya can't beat the price!
the price was right for sure. its missing a few things but not critical. it will work when i'm done but doubt i will cook much on it. i got it more for a collection/rescue piece more than anything else.
I am sorry and please don't get me wrong. These things were one thing Weber actually did screw up (like the Genesis Jr.) I don't understand the fascination with what was really a pretty awful grill
just that they are rare and some of us just like collecting webers. they are kinda cool in a way. and i like projects to keep me busy. and thats it !
sorry, yes it was. thanks ! though my gas valve is differant than shown its still fun to find any info. i have purty much figured out everything by now.
as i never thought i would really use it it now looks like i can do a cook or two just for fun. the only thing i'm missing is the gas control knob and the spark generator.
both not enough to stop it from working.

