I give up.....Lil help? Replacement thermometer for Silver B



TVWBB All-Star
I tried scanning around the net for an hour but although I found many thermometers with short probes and wing nuts none of them said for Genesis Silver B.....most of them say for 300 or 310 models. So I am restoring a not so old Silver B with center hood mounted therm.........what amazon replacement works for these dang things?


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Hi Jim! This is the p/n that Weber shows as being correct for my '05 Silver C...Weber 60540...but if you have a p/n for your Silver (which looks to be an '04 or '05 with the curved front tables), you can have a look at the compatibility list on eReplacements.com and double check. Good luck!
Thanks pro's! Its so dang easy for u guys. I must admit I committed the ultimate Weber sin.....I pulled off the MFR label last night.......yep u heard if first hear on the web.......My excuse is that this area was rusty and I was having to be all careful with a wire wheel spinning at Lord knows what rpm all around the dang label.....I finally said screw it and ripped the darn thing off. I figured nobody has looked at that label for 10 years and nobody will ever look at it again! The good news is that I stripped the area down correctly and got a good coat of Rustoleum on it so it will last another 10yrs. I also replaced every single working part on the grill so no label necessary for 5 more years :) ............ The part number u guys listed is the one that i had it narrowed down to as well.....thank you for picking up my slack!!!!
Hey, no harm, no foul...most of the time those things are faded and you can't read them anyway. But it might be a good practice to get into, to take a lot of pics with your cell phone before you commence to cleaning, including the ID tag. ID tags are second nature for me because of my job...if it breaks, or doesn't work like production thinks it should, or even if the boss farts upstairs (long story, but bizarre just the same!), I gotta fix it.
I ordered up a few aftermarket thermo's with that part number u guys provided. The only diff is no tabs on the back but that should be no big deal.
Thanks Ed.....ya I actually blog my resto's.....I take about 30 to 40 pics of the process mainly to show to the buyer. I am showing the amount of work and detail that goes into a resto so they appreciate what they are seeing......and so I dont have to squeeze that money out of their hands!!! I prob made about $3.00 an hour on this last grill .....replaced too many parts and spent way too much time....but hey....she's a looker!!!
A good idea is to take a photo of the data label before you start any work. Not only does it preserve the data, but by enlarging the photo, a lot of times you can make out data on the label that you cannot with normal eyes.

