How to make maple sugar



Hi there,

For some time now i have been replacing white or brown sugar in dry rub by maple sugar. I even put it in my sauce.

I know it is a quite expensive and that some of you might have difficulty finding it where you live so i tought i would explain you how to make your own ... and it's easy !

First, you take a really big cauldron (sorry i had to use wordreference to translate lol, a big thing to put on the stove !! way larger than the maple sirup you'll put in because it tend to overflow) i would suggest not more than 1 inch of maple sirup in 6-8 inches cauldron.

1 - Put your maple sirup in the cauldron on the stove at medium-heavy
2 - Add a candy thermometer
3 - boil until you reach 124 C or 255 F
4 - then, pour it in a bowl, ideally a silicon one, it is going to be easier to remove the sugar from the bowl.
5 - take a spoon and stir the hot syrup. You will see that within 5-6 minutes it is going tu turn into a solid state. Cool it in the refrigerator and simply use a shredder to turn it into sugar ...

i did 1.5 kg of maple sirup last weekend and it gave me 1kg of maple sugar ... here are some pictures .. what you see on the second pictures, when cooled, is rock solid !

i wish my explanation are understandable lol ! try it, it's easy !


Tres bien Louis, ils vont comprends. Le plus important c'est que tu as fais l'effort. Mon probleme quand j'ecrit en francais c'est que j'ai aucune idee comment mettre les crisses d'accents avec un keyboard Americain. J'etais a Quebec la fin de semaine du 23, j'ai monter avec mon WSM et j'ai fais 3 Boston Butts de 9 livres pour son party, le monde a Beauport se demander qu'est ce que senter (?smelled) si bon.
Nice job on the maple sugar.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Eric Michaud:
Tres bien Louis, ils vont comprends. Le plus important c'est que tu as fais l'effort. Mon probleme quand j'ecrit en francais c'est que j'ai aucune idee comment mettre les crisses d'accents avec un keyboard Americain. J'etais a Quebec la fin de semaine du 23, j'ai monter avec mon WSM et j'ai fais 3 Boston Butts de 9 livres pour son party, le monde a Beauport se demander qu'est ce que senter (?smelled) si bon.
Nice job on the maple sugar. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pour faire les accents il faut que tu ailles changer la configuration du clavier dans le panneau de configuration de Windows. Mais ce n'est pas très utile. On comprend très bien sans !

you brought ur WSM all the way from connecticut to quebec ?!? ... u really wanted to eat a butt lol ! with ur name i guess ur from quebec ? where ?
i usually use the memphis dust dry rub, where i replace sugar by maple sugar ...

1/2 cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
1 cup maple sugar
1/2 cup paprika
1/4 cup kosher salt
1/4 cup garlic powder
2 tablespoons ground black pepper
2 tablespoons dried mustard
2 tablespoons ground ginger powder
2 tablespoons onion powder
2 teaspoons rosemary powder
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Louis:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Eric Michaud:
Tres bien Louis, ils vont comprends. Le plus important c'est que tu as fais l'effort. Mon probleme quand j'ecrit en francais c'est que j'ai aucune idee comment mettre les crisses d'accents avec un keyboard Americain. J'etais a Quebec la fin de semaine du 23, j'ai monter avec mon WSM et j'ai fais 3 Boston Butts de 9 livres pour son party, le monde a Beauport se demander qu'est ce que senter (?smelled) si bon.
Nice job on the maple sugar. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pour faire les accents il faut que tu ailles changer la configuration du clavier dans le panneau de configuration de Windows. Mais ce n'est pas très utile. On comprend très bien sans !

you brought ur WSM all the way from connecticut to quebec ?!? ... u really wanted to eat a butt lol ! with ur name i guess ur from quebec ? where ? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

No disrespect guys, but if you would limit your conversations to English, those of us who don't speak French(?) could enjoy them also.
Yes, though we all admire your multi-lingual capabilities, english please.
However, if any of you care to post in finnish...I'm your guy.
sorry guys Eric was just telling me that my translation was ok and that you would understand it ... he was then asking me how to make the "éàùèê" we use in french with an english keyboard and i answered !

nothing related to my post
LOL, you guys are killin me. Louis already explained that I was merely telling him the translation was fine, but I also thanked him for making an effort sharing a recipe in English.

Yeah Louis I packed up my WSM and most of my gear to Quebec. It was my Uncle's 70th birthday bash and a reunion of sorts. I was born here in Connecticut but both of my Parents are from Quebec city. Now the majority is closer to Montreal, some in Trois rivieres, and a few still in Quebec. Could not find Bone in butt (or boneless for that matter) in Quebec. Brought 3 - 9 lb. butts over the border. Have you found butts in Quebec or just the shoulder?
Well eric ... That is a pretty good exemple of langage barrier lolll

What you call a boston butt in english isn't actually from the butt of the pork but from the upper part of the shoulder from the front leg !!

So, what you were looking for was "une epaule de porc avec os" !! I can find them quite easily around here .... I just have to ask my butcher ....

If u try to find one already package u will only get a half butt boneless ... Or even less than half ! Just ask next time ! Ull find some !

