How to get smoker to hold at ~130-180 degrees?


John VB

New member
I did some searching on here, I found some cold smoking tips to go around 80 degrees, and my smoker choked all the way down will hold at about 175 degrees, but I want to hold and control in that middle range (going to try to smoke some venison ring bologna). Any thoughts?
All bottom vents closed, except one. You have to watch it a little, its pretty much between a hair and a crack open.
Have maintained 140 - 150º at the lid for an 8 hour jerky smoke. Started with one layer of Kingsford (the only time I ever use Kingsford) with about 5 lit briquettes in the center. Shut down all vents (slight opening on front vent) when lid hit around 90º. Slow climb to 140º. Had to periodically add a few unlit to maintain fire.

