Bryan Mayland
TVWBB Hall of Fame
Ooh or you could remove the 10k resistor from one of the food probes then run a jumper on the pin header from probe 0 to that probe, then that probe will mirror probe 0 (pit). You can then disable probe 0 in the webui, which will switch the control probe to probe 1 and you'll still see probe 0 on whatever jack you mirrored it to.You could also build the Aux Board and wire up the TC to one of the other food probes.
Paul, if you don't mind recompiling the code, the relevant bit is here grillpid.cpp. Just change it
Probes[TEMP_CTRL] = Probes[TEMP_PIT]; // change to TEMP_FOOD1 or food2, or food3
return; // add this line