How often do you clean your WSM?



I do not mean the grates, I mean the whole thing all sections inside and out! After 12 years I finally broke down and cleaned mine! I always burn and brush the grated after every cook. I noticed some flaking from under the lid of the wsm. Also the water pan never seemed to rest on the tabs good without wobbling around. So I took some foil as others have said on here to do and balled it up and scrubbed the inside of the whole thing. Then I used hot water and dish soap on the outside trying not to get soap on the inside. I also used a degreaser on the grates and the outside to get off all the greasy gunk I possibly could. Now I think I am good for another 10 years!
I usually do mine after winter when it's nice out. I take it to the driveway and use the pressure washer. I actually do all my grills that day.
Dean, thanks for you post. "After 12 years I finally broke down and cleaned mine!" I LOVE IT!!

And, of course, I think it points out the right answer -- don't do it unless you think you have to. I had to after a year because an unfortunate series of events (extended rains) allowed mold to grow in my WSM. (Really, I WANTED to clean it, just not in the rain. I didn't know it was going to get out of hand.)
So as you said, clean the grates and empty the water pan within a day after every use, but otherwise it's all seasoning.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by paul h:
Clean , whats' that??? The only thing I clean are the grates. Everything else looks "rustic" </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think thats the way I will go to, looking forward to make that wsm look real used...
hahahahaha...lmao..I thought I was going to get a bunch of "clean freaks" come back with stories of e-coli and such! I had so much creosote on the tabs the water bowl wobbled around! I had mold only once because I got lazy and put it away wet after rain and never took care of the water pan. Lesson learned. Now I just store it with the grates usually out of it and vents open also alum door removed.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by dean:
hahahahaha...lmao..I thought I was going to get a bunch of "clean freaks" come back with stories of e-coli and such! I had so much creosote on the tabs the water bowl wobbled around! I had mold only once because I got lazy and put it away wet after rain and never took care of the water pan. Lesson learned. Now I just store it with the grates usually out of it and vents open also alum door removed. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dean, I keep my vents "gapped" but not fully open. We have lots of hornets and wasps that would find that open WSM an ideal environment. And that d--n wren would definitely love an open door!

I clean the WSM grate, water pan, and charcoal bowl after every cook. I clean the grate on the 12 yr. old kettle before every use but that's it.
That is all I have done to all 4 of my webers! Basicly keep the grates clean! When I bought my wsm from amazon (link on here) for $189 my wife said you would never use that hunk of junk! Weber makes the best grills I say.. My wife says they are too expensive. Yea right.. We just bought her Dad another cheapo gas grill for 200 bucks on fathers day! It will prob be scrap in 3 years!
I only clean the grates and the water pan after every cook. The water pan fits in my dishwasher. I'll wipe the outside down if there are any drips but I NEVER clean the inside! Kills the seasoning!!

