How much to make


Michael Stella

TVWBB Member
Some friends are going to come over this Saturday to watch the Buckeyes beat up on Iowa. I was going to make a pork butt, but some people want ribs, and two want beef ribs. There will only be six of us, three guys, three girls. Assuming the guys are going to stuff ourselves like we always do, how much food should I cook. I know that I'm going to have left over pulled pork, and that's okay, because what doesn't get eaten on Saturday will get eaten over the next few days, but I don't want to make any extra slabs of ribs.

Michael've got some pretty picky friends. Anytime I make BBQ, NO ONE asks what I'm making...just "when is it going to be ready?" or "what can I bring?"

I would figure at least one slab for 2 people. On average I eat half of a slab myself and the wife eats the other half. But alot of big eaters can eat a whole slab by theirself. With BBQ and I assume other side dishes I would do 5 or 6 slabs. You might have some left over but at least you will have enough.

Good luck with the beef ribs, I have never been able to get them very good like I want.

I don't know what size butt you are doing, but 3 racks of ribs (B/Backs I assume?) along with the beef ribs should be enough.
Look at who asked for the pork ribs, figure out how much they will eat along with the sides, and other meat, +1 rack for the others to "sample". Do the same with the beef ribs. That's what I would do anyway.
How do you plan to do the cook. A good size pork butt usually takes me 14 hr at 250 lid temp. Pork spare ribs ususally take about 7 hrs. I have never done beef ribs. So what time do you start what and where in the WSM do you put it? When do you wantit done to serve at what time?

