Chris Derum
TVWBB Member
Ever since I got my WSM a year of so ago, I've been really getting to cooking in general along with queing. So my knowledge is limited but growing all the time, thanks to this site and others.
My question or scenario is this. I recently purchased a bunch of spices from Penseys to restock the spice cabinet. As usual they put in a sample bottle of spice. This time it was their Southwest seasoning. Turns out its pretty decent. With many commercial rubs the first ingrediant is salt. I would like to try and re-create this rub minus the salt. I like to control the amount of salt on my own.
Anyone have a technique or rule of thumb when figuring out the volume of each ingrediant when creating rubs? I understand the further up the ingrediant list the more there is, but I'm just not sure how much of each ingrediant to use. I've been making my own rubs lately, but mainly from existing recipes from this site and BBQ cookbooks.
Here's the ingrediant list from the bottle:
Salt (Which I would like to take out)
Ancho Pepper (Ironically, just made some Ancho powder last weekend from dried Ancho Peppers.)
Black Pepper
Mexican Oregano
Any ideas are appreciated.
My question or scenario is this. I recently purchased a bunch of spices from Penseys to restock the spice cabinet. As usual they put in a sample bottle of spice. This time it was their Southwest seasoning. Turns out its pretty decent. With many commercial rubs the first ingrediant is salt. I would like to try and re-create this rub minus the salt. I like to control the amount of salt on my own.
Anyone have a technique or rule of thumb when figuring out the volume of each ingrediant when creating rubs? I understand the further up the ingrediant list the more there is, but I'm just not sure how much of each ingrediant to use. I've been making my own rubs lately, but mainly from existing recipes from this site and BBQ cookbooks.
Here's the ingrediant list from the bottle:
Salt (Which I would like to take out)
Ancho Pepper (Ironically, just made some Ancho powder last weekend from dried Ancho Peppers.)
Black Pepper
Mexican Oregano
Any ideas are appreciated.