How much longer?


paul kelly

New member
Hi guys,

Uk bbq'er here needing advice.

I'm relatively new to the game - WSM for my 50th a year ago. I've done Pork butt a couple of times and with great success. Ribs also. Plus a side of Orkney Organic Salmon on a cedar plank a couple of months ago than knocked every one dead.

I've also done Brisket a couple of times. My butcher could only supply a whole one so I cooked the "big end" and froze the rest. I cooked the other half a couple of weeks ago and made a big mistake - it was so good I have been asked to cook a whole one for a friend's Silver Wedding in a couple of weeks!!!

Each time before for the Brisket I've done the Somoked and Oven finished method: Lighting at around 5am, meat in at 6am, out and into oven at around 2pm eat at 4pm. (I use rubs/ marinades from Steve Raichlen's BBQ USA)

After that long preamble, the question: If i am cooking the whole brisket (cut into two to fit the grate) how much longer will it take? Not twice as long but........???

(Eating time is lkely to be 9pm)

Thanks in advance for any guidance you can give!

It doesn't really matter that much as far as the mass amount of meat being cooked (it might take a little longer to get to desired temps) as much as the temps you are going to maintain.

A 3 lb brisket flat might take 8-9 hours if cooked at 210 grate temp, but a 12 lb packer might take 11 or 12 hours if cooked at 230 grate.

The rendering process is mostly controlled by the your chosen temperature.

If you want to speed it up, cook at a higher temp.

