How much Kingsford do I use?


G Poe

New member
First thanks to all that helped me with the brisket problems...last two have been really great. Now I want to try some smokes that are say 2.5-4.5 hrs long. Still need temps in the 225-250 range. How much kingsford should I use to get that length of time and that temp?
As always thanks for your help
One chimney of unlit with about 15 briquettes lit on top for a minion start should get you there. However, I always add more charcoal than I think I will need just so I don't run out before the cook is finished. Just shut down all vents when you pull the meat off the cooker, and reclaim the unused fuel when it completely cools.
thanks for the help.. will give it a try. I know what you mean I really hate it run out right in the middle of a good smoke.
you'd probably be fine just dumping a chimney of unlit on the chimney of lit. Or vice versa, whichever tickles your fancy...

That amoung of charcoal gives me an easy 4+ hours...

