How Much Butt To Make?

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jeff lowe

TVWBB Super Fan
I am having a party of 15 fishermen who may be big eaters but then again who knows? Everyone is bringing a side dish. I am thinking that 20 lbs of butt uncooked weight should be enough since we have other side dishes.

What do you think should I go more or less?
HI Jeff!

I think your close. If you allow 1/2lb. per person, you would need 7 1/2 lbs. of COOKED meat. That is 15 lbs. of raw butt.

Plan on 2, 1/4lb. sammiches. Should be plenty with other sides.

A 20lb. butt wiil yield 10 lbs. of cooked meat. That allows 2/3lbs. per person.

Always better to be on the high side.
From a gentleman that cooks for up to 5000 a month, has stated that he use 6 oz of raw product per person when figuring meat for everything but chicken. I found this is a good # when cooking for a normal event but Jeff in this case I agree with Stogie and too much may be a better way to go.
Mornin' Jim --

Certainly don't want say that 5000 person/month cook is wrong, but if he was cooking 6 oz raw butt per person, he would end up with one 3 oz sammich per person, which is a lot less than Stogie's two, 4 oz sammiches and a whole, whole lot less than the 20 lb butt would yield; which would be 12 oz, cooked weight per person.

Such a long sentence... I'm tarred!
I agree and that's why I stated in this case I would go with the higher amount but if you are cooking for a wedding party or a lagre gathering I find this number a good one.
Jim --

Thanks for the explanation!

Yeah, for a reception or such, one small
sammich would be good.

For a bunch of hongree fishermen, however; who just happen to have been drownin worms all day with little success.... that shore builds up an appetite!! I know!

I don't even use a hook, anymore! /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif I just tie the little twisty critters on there so I'll be hongree when I get back!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif No cleanin to do, that way!
Ya know Walt, when you talk about not bein' real successful reminds me of a story...
Jeff, you can probly use this when your impressin' the fellas with your BBQ skills -half the show is the stories told.
Seems these two young fellas were out in the boat fishin' and old Edgar was in a boat real close havin' lot's a success. These boy's just couldn't figger out why there was such a difference between the amount of fish bein caught. They had none. Edgar was pullin em in non stop. Now men aint supposed to ask, it's kinda like the-askin-for-directions-thing, but one of the boys finally breaks down and says, "Edgar, How you catchin all those fish?" Edgar looks over and with out opening his mouth mumbles, "Yaagaoceearmm!" The boy's made about as much outta that as new ears at an auction, so they just kept on fishin. After a while more of no fish one boy breaks down again and ask's, "Edgar, Had trouble hearin' ya, what ya usin' fer bait?" Edgar a little more perturbed and still closed mouth mumbles, "YAAGAOCEERMM!" The other boy aint gonna let this go now and say's, "Edgar were not understandin' ya!" Poor Edgar in frustration spits a wad a somethin into his hand and finally say's "You gotta keep yer worm's warm!"
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