How many chickens…..?


Ron Hunter

TVWBB Member
LOML is headed to the store in a few hours and I’m not at the house or I would go measure it myself.

I’m thinking about bbq’g 8 chickens (3 - 4 lb range). My thought is to stand the chickens up on a can. I think I can put four on the top but I’m not sure if there is enough height between the lower and upper grates to stand up the other four. Do you know if they will fit?

Also, for the fire (kingsford) I think the standard method would give me enough cook time – or – do you think I should use the MM?

I've never done it before so I can't say firsthand. I think your height between grates will be fine, it's the height from the top grate and the inner edges of the lid would be more of an issue. Seems like it'd be pretty tight. But what do I know? Give it a shot and let us know how it works out... you've got me curious now!

I would go with the standard method. Good luck!

Ron, I'm like Rick, I have no idea, but would be very interested to read your results. I don't think 3 on each grate would be a problem, not so sure about 4. Seems I read somewhere where some people use bamboo skewers between their butts and chickens to keep them spaced for air flow and to help hold them up when standing them upright. I use the Piedmont Pan with the terra cotta saucer mod and probably would leave all my vents wide open to cook chicken in order to attain a higher temp. Not saying you can't use water, I just like to cook chicken at a higher temp. That or just foil your water pan and leave dry. Hope this helps, will be looking for your results. I agree with you on the standard start method, will get up to temp a lot quicker.

thanks for your input. just got word from my wife that will require me to put off the smoke this weekend. I'll post when I can get to it and let you know the results.

thanks again

