How many ABT's?


Russell McNeely

TVWBB Wizard
Anyone know how many ABT's you can fit on a 22.5" kettle (without using one of those pepper racks)? I plan on cooking some today for a July 4th get together. Also cooking beef sliders and hot dogs. Thanks.
Last time I did ABTs on my 22 1/2" kettle (indirect heat, laying flat on the rack), I cooked 15 and they easily fit. With careful charcoal banking and ABT placement, I'm sure you could do 30 or more at a time.

Good luck, sounds like a great menu you are planning!

Originally posted by Russell McNeely:
Anyone know how many ABT's you can fit on a 22.5" kettle (without using one of those pepper racks)? I plan on cooking some today for a July 4th get together. Also cooking beef sliders and hot dogs. Thanks.

I'm guessing 35. How did you make out?
Good guesses Bob and Rolf. I ended up with 30. I'm sure I could have squeezed a few more in but 30 fit pretty easily.

Everything turned out great. Wish I would have gotten more pics (like I intended on doing
). ABT's tasted great and the beef sliders were a big hit.
Originally posted by Russell McNeely:
Good guesses Bob and Rolf. I ended up with 30. I'm sure I could have squeezed a few more in but 30 fit pretty easily.

Everything turned out great. Wish I would have gotten more pics (like I intended on doing
). ABT's tasted great and the beef sliders were a big hit.

They look awesome!

I've tried them once. Although they tasted fine, it was VERY difficult to crisp up (let alone cook) the bacon.

I did them in the WSM along with the ribs. The japs were shrunken and 1/2 the size by the time the bacon got anywhere near done.

I'm sure it was because the smoker was only at 250 (for the ribs) that this happened.

And it seems everything I've read (diff recipes) does not say to put them under the broiler to cook/crisp the bacon.

How do I get the bacon crispy and not shrivel the japs? (and not lose all the cheese in the process).

BTW, I like your way(just a strip on top and not wrapped around it)
Thanks guys.

Len, I always cook mine on the kettle (indirect) using a full lit weber chimney of charcoal. I hardly ever measure my kettle temp anymore, but pretty sure its about 350-400 degrees F. Can take anywhere from 40-60 minutes. It takes pretty high heat to get crispy bacon in my experience but thats what I like.

I use a third of a strip of bacon (do not use thick cut - thinner is better) and lay on top of each jap. I used to wrap all the way around, but the bacon never got done enough on the bottom for me. Like this way much better.

I've never tried them on the WSM, so can't offer any help for that. I could only suggest cooking them at higher temps. HTH.
Thanks Russell.

I think what I need to do is the initial smoke on the WSM (for the flavour) and finish them in a regular oven (or toaster oven).
The simplest thing to do is microwave the bacon for a minute or so to start the cooking process. Then add to the ABTs. Bacon just takes longer to cook, so it needs help.

You can do the pre-cook many ways. Some par-boil, some use a frying pan, etc. I do as I feel on that day -- but no more fully uncooked bacon on the ABTs.

Here is 35 on the top rack of my 18” WSM, had about 20 on the lower rack. Depends on the size of the jalepenos.



I always buy the thinnest bacon possible, usually oscar meyer. These cooked at 275-300° for a little over an hour.

These japs were huge, I trimmed some of their length off. Some of them were 5 inches long. I cut my bacon in half so I get 32 abts per pack of bacon. I have found the bacon easier to wrap when it’s been in the freezer for a few minutes and the fat is cold. Not sure how that would work with nuking it.

I like what you did by laying the bacon on top, might give that a try. But I’ve never had problems with them crisping up enough.
I think a big part is the time and temp -- over an hour at 275 - 300*.

I also think that the full wrap like this helps a lot with the shriveling that Len mentioned. An open top with the bacon laid on top is my usual method, but a whole jalapeno wrapped at this time and temp will be better.


