How Long


Kenny S

How long will a three lb brisket take to smoke? Using minion method. I was going yo allow for seven hours on the high side. Thoughts?
Not long. Depends on your temperature, but at 250, probably 3 hours. I did a 12 lb, prior to trimming packer, yesterday in 8. Wrapped in butcher paper after 5.
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How long can I keep it wrapped in the cooler? Last brisket I did on my kettle took 8 hrs. It was 4.5 lbs. I am doing a rack of st. louis ribs as well. Giving those babies 6 on the 3-2-1.
We always rest for 1 hour minimum and prefer 2 in the cooler. Warm cooler with hot water first. Vent heat from wrap before resting or it will continue cooking the the cooler and could over cook.

6 hours too long for ribs, depending on temp. Try 2 meat side up, 1 meat side down, foil for 1 hour, remove from foil, glaze and place back on cooker for 30 min to 1 hour. Check for tenderness with a toothpick into meat and pull when it slides in easily.

I generally cook at 250, but today I'm going to do 275 on 2 racks of spares and one slab baby backs. Testing a new rub.
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My temp is at 210 (only using dome until Christmas). Can't seem to get it to rise. I am going to do the 3-2-1 method for my ribs.

