How long will the meat stay in the fridge?


Glenn M

TVWBB Member
Hi All,

Its been quite some time since I've posted on here but its nice to be back.

My friends are having a going away party for me next weekend as I'm moving from Ft. Lauderdale to Jacksonville. I did the same cook for the Super Bowl and they're still talking about it which considering it was my first time ever trying pulled pork and brisket I'm taking as quite a compliment.

My question is this. I had bought and frozen two butts and a nice brisket which I took out of the freezer last week (at the time I thought we'd be having the party this weekend). The meat has now been out of the freezer since 7/12. I checked it on 7/19 and felt that the very internal portions of the butts were still frozen but now two days later I believe both cuts of meat are well thawed out. My cook will be next Thursday or Friday night with my prep and rub happening on probably Wednesday. Is there any issue with keeping the raw meat in the fridge for this length of time? They are both well sealed in cryovac.

I appreciate your experience and responses.

Thank you.

As a follow-up to this question...I have some brisket in the smoker right now, but I'd like to save at least half of it until Friday when the family is coming over. Any tips on how to keep the brisket at its freshest for the next 5 days? Freeze? Refrigerate, etc.? Thanks!
Freeze; 5 days is a bit long to fridge it, imo.

When you unwrap your brisket today slice what you'll want for today and leave the piece you want to save whole. Put that piece on a cake cooling rack (for air circulation) on a sheetpan and leave it to cool about 20-30 min on the counter. Next, move the whole thing to the fridge to finish cooling. Remove the meat from the rack and wrap it tightly in plastic then stick in a Ziploc, press out the air, seal and freeze.

Remove the brisket to the fridge on Thursday. If on Friday morning the brisket has not thawed completely, put it (still in the Ziploc) in a sink of cold water, weighting it if necessary to keep it submerged. Change the water periodically till the brisket is thawed.

To reheat: Remove the brisket from all wrapping and place it on a piece of HD foil. Pour on a little beef stock mixed with a touch of melted unsalted butter (optional)--say, 1/3-1/2 cup stock with a tablespoon of butter. Close the foil. Reheat at 250 to an internal of 145-150. Slice to a warm platter; pour the juices over (saving some to mix with your sauce, if desired); serve and re-enjoy your brisket.

