How long will reheat take?


Tim M

New member
I am just getting ready to take off a 10.5lb. brisket from an overnight cook. It will be served tomorrow. If I cool it and then wrap whole in foil, about how long will it take to reheat back to 140 or 150 internal in a 250 deg. oven? I know it is just a guess, but give me your best guess. I plan to slide it in the oven before church and set the timer. Also, after I reheat does the brisket need to rest again?


P.S. It is really hard not to take a few slices off the end right now!
Time will depend on the how cold the brisket is at the outset and whether or not the oven is preheated. I'd figure 60-90 min. If possible, don't allow the internal to rise above 150 but you want no less than 140. The brisket does not need to rest.

