How long to defrost......(Butts and a brisket)

Due to my smoketime last week being cancelled, I put 2 butts (about 5lbs each)and a small brisket into the freezer.

I plan on puting them on the WSM Saturday night to eat Sunday.

At what point should I take them out of the freezer ?
I find dense pieces of meat take quite a while to thaw in the fridge. So I'd give it about 48 hours, assuming your fridge is in the 34-40 degree range. Since it is all in the fridge, it won't hurt if it is thawed 12-24 hours in advance (though I don't think it will be).
Originally posted by Dale Perry:
Take them out of the freezer now and place in fridge. Pronto!

"Boss, I have to leave work immediately, I have some butts to defrost !"

Thank you for all the replies.

This will be my first smoke in the WSM, I will put the 2 butts on top, and the brisket under them.

I can not wait !!!!!
A couple of weeks ago I bought a butt then wasn't able to smoke it as planned. I used my foodsaver then put it in the freezer. I took it out the next saturday and thawed it like a turkey. Put water in the sink and let it soak. I changed the water several times. As I recall it took about 3 hours.

