How long is it safe to keep a rib roast in the fridge?


Chuck Tatham

TVWBB Member
Have one in standard styro tray and wrap. How long can you keep one unfrozen? I've heard of aging but what is ok at home while wrapped?
Assuming that the meat never went into a danger zone and assuming that the wrap is airtight, and assuming that the meat stays in the safe zone while in the fridge, I would say safe for several weeks. I commonly purchase cryovac brisket and hold 3-4 weeks. It may need a bit of trim but no spoilage ever noted. Your beef roast should age the same. I would use a food saver vacuum pack.

Hi chuck,

if you ahve meat in a styro tray and it is simply wrap, you should not keep it in the fridge for more than 3 to 5 days TOP. Past that point, in may become dangerous for you ...

You may keep meat longer in the fridge if it is vacuum seal but otherwise, NO !

You might want to take a look at this chart :

And btw, for aging meat without any danger, you need a special storage room with controlled temp and humidity, do not try that at home ... or if you try it, try it first before giving some to children or older persons ...
Chuck don't keep in the fridge to long since it's just plastic wrap and a tray. I'd go by the sell date on it. If you bought it and the sell date was the next day, then I wouldn't go longer than an additional day unless you planned on cooking it the day after that.

