How long can you hold them??


Ron Hunter

TVWBB Member
Friday night we had a bbq party for 14. For meat we had cherry smoked chicken and pulled pork smoked with hickory and cherry. The pork was started using the MM Thursday night at 9:30 (4 butts all approx 8.5 lb) Seemed to be a perfect cook - everything went well. Friday @ 11:30 the top two were finished and @ 12:15 the other two were brought in.

Wrapped in heavy duty foil and placed in a cooler designed for 1 or 2 liter bottles. I put newspaper on the bottom, then a heavy towel, the foiled meat, then another towel, and finished with newpaper.

At 6 p.m. I started pulling the pork - they were the top two meaning the last two removed from the cooker. The foil was still too hot to hold with your bare hands. (meat was as tender as I've ever had it)

After the party broke I started pulling the remaining 2 butts. At first I was concerned I'd left them in the box way too long. Not a problem -- both roasts were well over 140. From 11:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. - That's eleven hours on hold. I think they might have even held another hour or so before dropping to 140.

That's the longest I've ever held them - of course the towels and newspapers may have helped a 'bit.'

What's your best hold time - and how did you insulate the meat?
That's a great hold time. But I have never bothered to time a batch. Essentially for me, after service, I shred whatever is left and quickly cool it.

It helps to shred it and keep in in a thin layer, rather than a big bundle, cause the center will take longer to cool that way. One frozen sheet pan, and I'm good with one whole pork butt.


