How do I get smoker temp below 275?


TonyS T-Bone

TVWBB Super Fan
I have an LP fueled Masterbuilt 30" cabinet smoker but the darned thing can really own dial down to 275+ at the lowest settings. There are times I'd like to keep it lower. I have read that there are regulator/hose combos that have an additional valve of some sport that would allow me to restrict the amount of fuel, thereby getting the lower temp settings I prefer. Is this the type of reg/hose combo I need? (click). Thanks for any suggestions!
That should work. I used one like that on a propane burner for doing crawfish boils and such. A little touchy at the low flow end but worked well.
That should work. I used one like that on a propane burner for doing crawfish boils and such. A little touchy at the low flow end but worked well.
Thanks Bob. That's what I'm nervous about, the flame flickering out during an overnight brisket cook. I have Thermoworks temp probes etc. but I don't like alarms at 2AM lol!
When using LP or CNG, I strongly recommend overlooking the cook. Sleeping through an alarm can cause disastrous results.
The reason that is “touchy” is because that’s a 1/4 turn ball valve.
One shake of the ground, bump from the pets or a ‘coon and your flame could look very different.
I use alarms on all night cooks or nap time cooks.
I am a light sleeper and check it often.
Why do your alarms go off?
I think I had something similar but mine was dual fuel, charcoal and gas.
Do you not have lower and upper vents that you can open to let out heat?
IIRC mine took some babysitting to run sub 275, I gave it to my Son and he uses it for jerky and bacon but I believe he does charcoal for that.
Personally 275 is my target temp for just about anything Q.

