How did I screw up today?


Clark Deutscher

TVWBB All-Star
Hi all, just wondering if someone can tell me what I did! I have only done about 50 smokes on the WSM but I haven't had this happen before! I put a butt on at 4am minio start, got to 250 on the lid. Went to sleep until 8am temp was steady so I went surfing, came back at 12:00 so 8 hours latter and the temp was 100 and there was no charcoal left? Usually a chimney full with 30 lit lasts me over 13 hours? What could have happened differently today? Any input is much appreciated. Thanks!!

That seems a little light on coal for 13 hours...

1 chimney full + 30 lit? not enough fuel

That wouldn't last me 13 hours. I'd be suprised if that lasted a 6-7 hour cook at reasonable temperatures.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">
Light the cooker using the Minion Method. Fill the charcoal chamber almost to overflowing with unlit Kingsford charcoal briquettes. Bury several chunks of dry smoke wood in the coals and place a few chunks of wood on top. This should be enough fuel to fire the cooker for 12-14 hours, maybe longer depending upon weather conditions and how much meat is being cooked.

Light 20-40 briquettes using a chimney starter and spread them over the unlit briquettes and smoke wood chunks. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Well since you didn't say I'm guessing you were using briqs, Kingsford? 30 lit briqs to start with is a lot of lit coals, and one chimney of unlit is only about 6 lbs/100 briqs of charcoal (if you were using Kingsford) and nowhere near enough of unlit charcoal for 13 hrs. 8 lbs of Lump usually nets me about 16 hrs of cooking time. Remember now that 8 lbs of lump is about double the volume of briqs.
I agree with you, Bryan. That's a lot of lit briqs to start out with using the MM. Try cutting back (maybe half) on your lit briqs when starting up.
You can always fill up the basket and add the lit and when your done close up the cooker and recycle then unused. Don't know what happened. Always better to have to much then not enough.

Did you fire it back up and get to eat?
Thanks for all the advice folks. It was more lit than I usually start with, twice as much actually, did it because it was raining which also probably contributed! Thanks again!I did get it fired back up and it was excellent, made The Kalua Pork, Passion Fruit applesauce, pineapple bbq sauce, mango salsa and apple baked beans all from the recipes on here. I highly recomend all of them. Thanks again!


