Houston We Have Lift Off!

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Man I love the Minion Method! It took a little over 15 minutes to get about 25 coals started and got everything together and was smokin' in about 20 minutes. Butt went on at 6:50 a.m. CST and I will be checking it about every 3 hours to check the water pan. Have a good one.
Hey Bryan, I have been at it all night and I think I am cooking to low. If you want to eat today, bring your temp up. lol, at the rate Im going , I might starve to death. Im having trouble keeping my temp over 200 and decided to fill the chimney "half full" to get it hot. meat is at 145 now and I have faith that all will be OK. Ill figure it out and Im sure you will! Good luck.
I won't that problem here in south Texas. Forecast called for mostly cloudy and you guessed it; it's a bluebird day and the smoker was getting too hot so I had to break out the EZ-Up for some shade and all is well. I still had a full pan of water after 3 hours. Going to check it again at 1:00 p.m. Life is good. Good Luck with you smoke too Dale.
The good Lord is basting my WSM as I type. Pouring down rain and some bolts of lightning to boot. I hated to leave my friend WSM by herself but Im allergic to dying. I got it up to 250 degrees for a couple hours but the wind is wearing the coals out. I am having to use more kingsford than I ever thought I would. If im lucky, I might get this thing done. It is fun though.
Yep, the wind will eat coals like crazy. It's a little breezy here in DC, and if it's like this tomorrow (or if I even THINK it might be like this) I'm breaking out the silver bullet jacket. That means no remote temp measuring, but the WSM cooks so steady I'm once again positive that it will work out a-ok. It really preserves the coals and thus the water, too.

Trying to repeat my success on Mr Brown, and seeing how a smaller brisket does. (I'm kinda' worried about this flat as it's only 5 lbs, when my last one was a whole, untrimmed 8.5 lb-er, but I'm going to give her the old college try).

Good luck to us all!
With inclimate weather coming, I move to the inside of the garage. Just inside the door. Back my truck and the better half's car out and use them as wind breaks. She accepted it better the second time then she did the first time. Now she just rolls her eyes and says nothing.
It was drizzling this AM when I started my butt and brisket, and the wind was going good, so it was time for an "inside" job.
The rain never came but I was able to take a real nice snooze knowing the Bullet would do the rest.
Well I went to go check the temperature on the butt and I got 185 and I was about to let it cook a little longer. I decided to turn it over to burn off some of the fat and when I turned it over. It basically started coming apart. With that much meat exposed to heat I decided to go ahead and pull it off and foil it. It's been 30 minutes and I am going to try some and put the rest in the fridge. I think next time I will not turn the thing at all, just leave it alone and let the WSM do it's magic. Gotta learn somehow. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
You're learnin' Bryan. Most beginners needs to have their hands on the food or WSM all of the time. It's a common mistake. As you get a few cooks under your belt you'll find that with less fuss you'll turn out a better product.
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