Hot Smoking Sausage?



TVWBB Super Fan
I want to make some sausage that calls for hot smoking. I assume I can do this on the bullet? I've got an 18 and a 22.

I guess one option is to just lay the sausage on the racks. But do you all have set-ups to hang the sausage inside? If so, can I see some pics?

What temp are you talking about when you say HOT smoking? For me Hot smoking is 150f-225f. Cold smoking is almost room temp. Cold smoking in Sweden is a fire and wood in one spot to generate smoke,then lead in to the protein chamber.(add some distance to cool the smoke)

If im smoking in the 150f range i only start with a few lit(4-7) and a super mini MM. Depends on the fuel i use.
I would suggest you check out this link It is shows a really well designed wire rack which might give you some ideas. If you are able to make up something like this you could hang sausage links nice and high. In fact depending on the length of your links you could fashion something and hang a second batch between the two grills. I would use the 22 for the extra distance from the coals and I would be looking for temps above 170. I would also make sure you have some type of cure such as Prague Powder for safety. I used to do 20 lbs at a time in my Big Chief and hang the links over wooden dowels. You need internal temps of 165 degrees.
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I'm looking for around 180*.
I'm using a recipe from Ruhlman's "Charcuterie". It calls for Pink Sale.
I have a 5 lb stuffer and find one continuous link will coil nicely on a 16" pizza screen, these can be stacked in an 18" wsm

