Hoping to start a "How to" kind of thread on surface rust removal and painting.



TVWBB Wizard
Hoping to start a "How to" kind of thread on surface rust removal and painting.

Personally, I don't know squat about this other than to coat with Ospho, Rust Encapsulator, or POR-15, which would take care of the rust itself, but wouldn't have a nice, appealing finish.

It would be great if we had a step by step thread with very specific details. Like, instead of just saying "Sand down the rust", walk through what type of sand paper to use, what grit for which steps, can you use orbital or other type of sander, drill or angle grinder with whatever type of wheel/attachment, or does it need to be hand sanded. Wet, dry, or both (depending on the step/stage). What to use / how to feather. What kind of primer ? when to apply it ? Just as much meticulous detail as possible so even a clueless guy like me can figure it out. I know that results will definitely be based on experience, as for example, you can't just tell someone how to feather and expect it to be perfect. But such a thread would probably be beneficial and save some folks money, aggravation and time. BTW, hopefully this info will help with all painted enameled/coated parts (cabinet panels and frame mostly.) Perhaps a separate section covering cast aluminum end caps and cook boxes ?

Anyways, I'm hoping that some of you all who are knowledgeable about this kind of stuff will chime in and contribute to the effort.
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Honestly it depends on the rust. Light surface rust can be handled much differently than say deeper rust into the metal. Than there is structural issues in some cases. Really just light surface rust can be handled easily with a product like Eastwood's Rust Encapsulator spray a good sanding to smooth than another shot of RE spray and follow with a nice finish coat. The RE takes the place of primer
Honestly it depends on the rust. Light surface rust can be handled much differently than say deeper rust into the metal. Than there is structural issues in some cases. Really just light surface rust can be handled easily with a product like Eastwood's Rust Encapsulator spray a good sanding to smooth than another shot of RE spray and follow with a nice finish coat. The RE takes the place of primer

Thanks Larry. But even for this, more details would be helpful. Again, pretend that someone doesn't know squat about it. What type of sand paper? What grit? Is it a multi stage process, ie. Start with 80 grit, then move to 200, then finish with 400.

I was at Harbor Freight yesterday standing in front of a couple different displays of sandpaper and was completely clueless as to what to get. That and attachments for angle grinders, then drill attachments. Just kept walking around between all of them and ended up getting 2 mutipacks of various grits and a hand sander block, but still have no idea.

