Homemade Bacon 1st Try


Jak Stepan

got a small pork belly at the butcher for homemade bacon (thanks yall for the great ideas). decided to roll it, don't really know why other than seems like it would dry out if I smoked it as a single layer. I sliced some out that night and it was excellent - i mean its bacon... even I did it without screwing it up. what I didn't get is pics a few nights later when I cubed it up into 1/2" pieces and fried it up and let the kids and friends stab the cubes with toothpicks as a snack. all I used as seasoning was Lawrys, no brining no pink nitrate no recipe ... I keep it real simple: meat, pit, fire.

had two pits going on the porch during a sunday afternoon rain. ribs on the left, bacon on the right.











will be posting more bacon experiments. thanks again for yalls influence.

don't lift the lid...

