Holiday BBQ


Dan Godwin

TVWBB Member
Is anyone else smoking for the holidays? My wife traditionally hosts an open door Christmas eve get together for friends and family. I decided to make a pork butt using Chris Lilly's rub for the event. Using mulllberry wood for the first time, along with some maple. First time smoking in cold weather. In honour, my soon-to-be-replaced probe thermometer is only displaying in Celsius. Shooting to be done around 4pm Christmas Eve. If anyone wants the address in the Finger Lakes area of NY, hit me up ;)

I'm definitely cooking for the holidays. Brought some brisket chili to the office pot-luck last week, and it pulled a disappearing act worthy of Houdini. Chicken over applewood for dinner last night. I've got a small brisket flat cooking right now that'll be lunch for us and the neighbors and probably a snack after Midnight Mass, and two massive tri-tips rubbed down and waiting in the fridge for their turn on the smoker tomorrow afternoon.

'Twas the night before Christmas, and thanks to my Bullet
Not a creature went smokeless. Not even a pullet.
My wife told me she wasn't in the mood for ham or turkey this year. I suggested rib roast and she said "MEH". I was joking around and suggested starting a Christmas tradition of smoking baby back ribs. She said that sounded great. I picked up a 3 pack from Sam's yesterday. I can't wait :)
We did 15 trays of Lasagna yesterday for family and friends.
One's going on the WSM tomorrow along with a ham and a tray of Kugela.
Happy Holidays!:wsm:

Smoked an 18lb turkey on the Cajun Bandit conversion yesterday. Followed the how to thread for self-basting turkey and used cherry for smoke wood. All I can say is that it is one of the best and simplest recipes that turns out an outstanding meal. Thanks to TVWBB our Christmas dinner was a huge success!
Did baby back ribs for the in laws on Christmas Eve. Guess the liked em as they asked if I was interested in doing their Christmas turkey instead of their usual deep fried. lol
Did a Prime rib. Was great, carried over a bit more than planned but was still great for first time doing Prime Rib, wish it wasn't so expensive, I'd like to do it more.
I smoked 2 whole briskets (31 lbs) and 4 butts (24 lbs). I gave chunks of brisket to my close neighbors then served the butt on Xmas day and gave some to my immediate family. It was all well received (I think).
I did my 1st Kettle turkey this Christmas and loved how it turned out. Today I'm doing two stuffed chickens on the kettle using basically the same method. Looking forward to another great meal.

I have learned more from this web-site in two years than I ever imagined.

