holding cooked chicken?


Steve G.

TVWBB Member
can you foil chicken and hold it similar to brisket (in a dry cooler)? I do not eat the skin, so rubbery skin does not matter to me. I like to give myself plenty of time to be sure that I will be done cooking at least by the time we want to eat, and this occasionally gets me done a little early. (I am curious about whole chikens as well as parts)

Yes. If you don't care about the skin, no problem. Wrap in foil as you would brisket and, if whole, rest breast side down. You can pile pieces together and wrap in a bundle if you wish.
If you do care about the skin it crisps up just fine on the grill after holding. I've often screwed up got the chicken cooked way early, held it and won trophies with it.

