HM 4.2.4 Build Help



New member
Hi all,

I just completed a 4.2.4 board w/o TC. Everything seems to work fine, except that when I plug in the pit probe the unit seems to lose power constantly. I'm sure there's a short or cold joint somewhere but I haven't been able to spot it. This is only the second time I've wielded a soldering iron, the first being when I built my 4.2.0 HM, so I'm sure I've just been clumsy. I can post pics of the soldering if needed, but was wondering if someone had some pointers of where I should be looking that could cause this?

Try plugging in the pit probe without the blower (or servo) connected and see if it loses power. This will help determine if this is a brown out of your power supply or something else...
It happens with nothing else plugged in. I can also plug in probes in the other three jacks without issues, it's only probe 0 / the pit probe that gives me problems.
Maybe you've got some stray solder on the SMD region of the board under the pit probe jack?
If you set the setpoint to something very low like 1F does it still happen? ...cause if sounds like it might be browning out when the pit probe is plugged in and the blower wants to turn on... Pics would help...
Thanks for the quick replies and advice. I'll take some pics in the morning. On a side note, I just found that this doesn't happen if i'm using micro-usb for power instead of the barrel jack.

