High-heat Chicken Cook


K Kruger

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I flavor-brined 3 bone-in chicken breasts and 6 small, bone-in thighs (a salt-sugar brine with lots of gran garlic and onion, black pepper, and thyme), air-dried in the fridge;cranked up the cooker with 2 lit chimneys of Wicked Good, and layed on some hickory and orange wood. I cooked without the water pan, and put all the chicken (no rub) on the top rack skin-side down for 20 min. Temps were over 400 for the duration of the cook. At the twenty minute mark I flipped to skin up. 15 minutes later I applied a glaze of Key lime juice reduced with a little honey and with a little butter whisked in at the end. 15 minutes later I pulled and rested 5 minutes before serving. (The breasts were on the large side and thick, the thighs small, so I figured them taking the same time to cook.)

I served the chicken topped with a dollop of mango-chipotle-garlic sauce with sides of roasted asparagus and island-mode sweet potato casserole with a pecan topping. The chicken was moist and the flavors from the brine were easily detectable. The skin was crisp, deeply colored (near black in spots but not burned), and the glaze made it shiny. I think I'll cut the sugar in the brine next time for a more even skin color at finish.

I only have a pic of the finished plate.


Large image here.


On edit: Moved pics from a defunct server to one that works.
That looks and sounds absolutely delicious! Could you post your recipe for the mango-chipotle-garlic sauce, please.
Wow! Awesome Kevin! I can't wait to try this!! I was just wondering about the amounts of ingredient in the brine and how long you brined{is that a word?????} for.

Rath *chicken chicken*

I doubled my usual salt amount since I was doing a short soak, so in this case I used 1/2 c Kosher (M) to 1 qt of water. Brined 75 min.

I put the salt in the botoom of a bowl with the sugar (1/4c), onion, garlic, and thyme (2 T each), and freshly ground pepper (1 T); poured a little water on then mashed it well with a wooden spoon to get more flavor out of the spices; added the rest of the water and stirred to dissolve the salt and sugar; poured it into the Ziploc holding the chicken and stuck it in the fridge.

If you make it, let me know what you think.
That looks great! How did you prepare your asparagus? Mine turns out mushy on the inside but tough the outside sometimes.
My wife has a killer mango chutney recipe to die for. I like it with pork and chicken.

We get our mangoes locally but I'm curious where you mainland folks get your mangoes from?

aloha from Hawaii

Greg Kemp
most of the mangoes I see in the supermarkets around here are from mexico. Man... I wish I still lived in a place where I get fresh mangoes. Nothing compares. We are jealous, Greg...

I either roast or grill asparagus. Those were sprayed lightly with evoo, tossed, salted lightly, and roasted in a 400 oven. Time depends on size--7-10 min usually. Go for the ones a bit thicker than a pencil, not the skinnies and not the real fat guys.


They're a big crop in So Fla. I have a couple small trees. The early ones are starting now. the main crops will be shipping fairly soon.

