High Heat Brisket + Whole Chickens + ABTs timing question


Steve Pfisterer

New member
Tomorrow I plan on cooking a 10-12 lbs Brisket, 2 5lbs chickens (brined 24 hours, cooked on a vertical roaster minus the beer cans) and some ABTs. This is my first time doing high heat on the brisket, first time doing chickens and first time doing ABTs.

My question is the timing, so I can get an estimate of when we could eat. From what I've read here on the forum while cooking at 325-350:
Brisket will take 4-5 hours, and need an hour rest.
The chickens, I've seen anywhere between 2 to 4 hours, so I'm so sure what to expect with those
ABTs I read taking 1 - 2 hours.

I plan on putting the brisket on with the ABTs. After ~2 hours I expect to be able to wrap the brisket and then put on the chickens (and add more wood).

Does this seem like a good plan? Will chickens take closer to 2 hours or closer to 4 hours? How long should the chickens be rested?
If I want to do burnet ends on the high heat brisket, should I separate the point before foiling?

Thanks, I can't wait!
Steve, I have cooked everything you are doing just not together. I'm not sure though what you are using to cook on? I'm thinking your brisket might be more like 5 hours. The chickens about 2 hours and the ABT's will be done in about an hour or less. The good thing about the brisket the ability to hold it. Depending on your ABT filling you do have to watch your temps are not too high otherwise the filling might run. I do mine at 275-300 range with 1/2 slice of thin bacon wrapped on each and it renders out well. I also combine cream cheese with processed cheese about half and half. I used peppers about 2 1/2 inches long and remove the pulp and seeds. Then I fill each half. Some do them whole using the mini sausage. I've not done them that way. Hope this helps. Good luck.
At 350 your brisket will probably take 4-4.5 hrs, chicken will take 1.5-2 hrs and the ABTs about 1 hr. When you rest the brisket allow it to sit unfoiled on the counter for 20-30 minutes to stop the cooking process and then foil it and wrap in towels. The chicken should rest tented with foil for about 20 minutes before slicing or pulling. Munch on the ABTs while your waiting for everything else to be ready.

