High heat brisket and ribs


Ethan G

TVWBB Super Fan
I've done several high heat briskets and have always had great results. This Saturday, I'm cooking for a get-together and want to do both ribs and a brisket simultaneously on an 18.5" WSM. I've never done high heat ribs.....any advice on those? From reading a few other threads I would think I start them with the brisket, foil them after 1.5-2 hours, and then depending on how they look remove them from foil and cook for a short while to firm up the bark. Can anyone give a good estimate of cooking time for high heat ribs vs. the ~5 hours for high heat brisket? Thanks in advance.
I've done lots of HH briskets, but never together with ribs, so this is purely from my best guessing.

For the HH brisket, I usually am around 335-360 during the unfoiled stage, then jump up to 375 or so during the foiled time, yielding me a finished brisket right at the 4 hour mark. For your ribs, at that kind of heat, I would hold off on putting them on until your brisket has been on for an hour. Then, put your ribs on, unfoiled for ~90 mins or until you like the color (very scientific). Depending on how you like your ribs, either FOTB or a little tug to them, that will determine how long you want to foil. At these temps, the time in foil will not need to be more than 45 mins or so, then back on to firm them up once out of the foil. You should be able to have eveything finish at the same time, just keep an eye no the ribs so don't end with a pile of meat and bones, but neither is attached to the other.
I cooked ribs at 300 Sunday and they were done in 4 hrs. No foil or spritz, and they came out great.

