Hi! New here and probably diving into my very first restoration project soon


Lee North

New member
Hello all, I'm Lee! I live in Spain but before that the Tri-state area.

I wasn't thinking straight when deciding what to bring and what to leave behind, so I'm currently without a Weber of any kind. Trying to remedy that by combing through various second-hand sites here. Not much luck so far but fingers crossed one of two options I'm looking at will pan out.
Welcome Lee, I am super interested in seeing what kind of Weber grill you can find in Spain. I hope you can get your hands on an old Genesis to play with, they are awesome.
Funny you should say that, I'm about to throw a question to the BB to see what you guys think...
Thanks Brock! Just bookmarked that site, I'm sure it will come in handy.

Wilmer, there are a couple of military bases with PX's. Great idea! Haven't met any folk from them yet but I'll be keeping my ears peeled for American accents!

