Hi from Ft Worth, Texas


Tom Wheeler

New member
I've loved looking at the daily picture updates on this site, and they've certainly inspired me to try some new things. I decided to move up from the Smokenator on my OTS...

My new 22.5 WSM arrived from Amazon yesterday, via FedEx. The box was banged up a bit, but a quick check of the contents revealed no damage.

New Arrival by Tom_FtWorth, on Flickr

I ordered a TW8060 thermometer from ThermoWorks, and it should arrive on Tuesday. They've been great to work with so far - very impressive to see their entire workforce given individual attention/bios on their website.

I plan on doing the "slot" mod for the thermocouple leads after much research on this great site, and have been looking at lower profile handles at Lowe's and Home Depot for the mid-section (I love the Weber handles folks have done, but I still need the cover to fit).

Thanks to all the members of the site for the great posts. You are all very inspiring!
Especially from an ASU grad! Hiked the Rim lots. All my family is still in AZ. My favorite eatery is still the Beeline Café!
Welcome Tom and you have a great smoker right there. We love our 18.5" WSM. We are neighbors btw, I am over in Benbrook.

