Hi from Bellingham, WA


Tim - tongatim

New member
Hi all,

As a young buck 40 years ago, I got a Weber kettle. In addition to the usual backyard grilling, my goal was to reproduce the incredible pork butt barbecue that I had as a kid growing up in Georgia. That journey has carried me from the kettle to a Brinkmann bullet to a New Braunfeld cheap offset smoker to a RecTec pellet grill, and, 5 years ago, a Humphrey's Battle Box reverse flow smoker. Along the way, I decided to work on perfecting Central Texas style brisket. As I've aged, I have been less and less willing to stay up all night tending the fire, which leads to all kinds of compromises. I've tried various temperature controllers to allow me to sleep during the cooks. I make good butts and briskets, but know for certain that the best comes from pitmasters who are willing and able to spend long hours tending that fire of hickory or post oak.

So now I'm returning to my minimalist roots with a Weber kettle. My Battle Box and Digi-Q Guru have found a new home. My quest now is to simplify, get intimate with the kettle, and keep cranking out good butts and brisket.

My wife thinks I'm crazy.
Welcome Tim! Glad to see I am not the only forum member who has a wife that thinks their husband is crazy.

