Heyhey from Jayjay in west Chi-town!



New member
Just now doing my first cook (smoking shrimp) on my first pellet grill and first ever Weber. I'm a recovering apartment dwelling cheapo gas griller. Last year I blew several hundred bucks on an electric smoker only to have all my dreams crushed when I realized the only way to a true smoke ring was with a stick burner, a charcoal offset, or a pellet-pooper. This spring (well not quite spring just yet) I resolved to rid my tiny terrace of my two aging gassers and that infernal electric hoobajoob, and finally get my mitts on a real smoke pit.

Hoping to participate in the fun @ TVWBB community but please be easy on me, I'm easily impressed and even more easily distressed.
Also, since browsing the forum over the last week or so I see that I have missed out on a lot of good grilling in my life, just now starting to understand the reverence people have for the WSM.
Hi Jason, welcome from a fellow Chicagoan! I'm a gas grill guy, but there's no shortage of people here who share your interests. Have fun!

