Hey der from WI


Scott Quimby

Hello from Wisconsin! I jumped on this board because I just threw myself into a Smoke Fire situation...…on purpose. I'm a Weber fan, but only because of happenstance. I have never bought a Weber product before today, because I've been lucky enough to have been given a gasser and a kettle from previous owners. The experience that I have had with Weber products has been super positive. The durability of the metals and coatings have been mind blowing. Our kettle grill sat behind the former owner's garage for two decades before being enlisted in my service for the past 15 years. Our Genesis Silver belonged to my wife's parents for at least 10 years before they gave it to us a decade ago and it isn't anywhere near it's end. I'm so impressed with Weber quality. Anyway, I'm an all year griller and smoker up here in the northern hinterlands and I look forward to talking about outdoor cooking with all of you.
Ah, Wisconsin. One of my favorite states. Welcome Scott. What part of the state are you from? Have some family and friends in Iron County, around the Turtle-Flambeau Flowage.
eh Scott,
How’s by you? where bouts you from? You in the nordern parts or down here in the milwaukee area? or over by madtown?
Glad your here, okay?
Cripes, I'm from da city, you know. Da big one. But I get around the entire state and love it. Thanks for the welcome! Jim, you seem to have a firm grasp of the language.

