Help with chicken on OTG



New member
Hi all! I'm looking for some help on doing a spatchcock chicken on my OTG. I used to do them on my egg but its been years. This is a stock OTG, no charcoal baskets, raised charcoal grate, etc. just wondering on time and temp for a 3-4 pound bird and good options to keep it moist. Thanks!

Hey Eddie, My wife and i do beer can chicken. Buy a 6 pack of beer, lather your bird up with EVOO and what ever seasoning you like. Then drink half of one can then stick the bird on it.Your shooting for 165 to 175 in the bird. 350 to 450 degrees for about 1.25 to 1.50 hr and while it's getting there enjoy the remaining 5 beers.
Eddie, I always bank my coals and cook indirect. Use a couple of fire brick if you have them or get a charcoal basket or just pile your coals against the grill in one area. Foil the unused portion of the charcoal grate and place a drip pan on top of the foil. No need for water. I run 325-350 and it should take you an hour and a half or so. The foil forces air up through the fire and reduces fuel consumption. It also allows for better temp control.
Moist equals not overcooked. Brine helps but not a requirement for moist chicken. Have a 350* fire. Go direct, skin down, for about 3-4 minutes marking the skin. Flip and go about 30-40 minutes also direct.
Thanks for all the suggestions, Much appreciated! I whipped up my forst rack of ribs on the OTG yesterday. Will post pics shortly.

