Help with burner tube guide screw



New member
So I finished up my restoration of a Genesis Silver B only to realize that the guide screw/washer closest to the front of the cook box was sheared off... probably from the previous owner and I just didn't realize it until now. I know you're NOT supposed to remove these, so it wasn't me who did this I swear!

What's the best way to fix this? Cut off what's sticking out, drill out the rest, tap some new threads and put another stainless steel screw in there? I've never fixed anything like this so any guidance and help with tools I would need would be great. Thanks!


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I think I'm about to be in the same predicament, and will await suggestions from the experts.

I've had to drill out and tap out engine block sized bolts before, but never something this small and also never in cast aluminum.
Yah, it is going to be extremely tough to drill out that screw. I would do your best, but likely you will wind up sliding off to one side of it. If so, I would just make that the new anchor point.

The better solution is to replace the cook box.
So I have something that is holding for now, but who knows how long it will last.

I used a dremel to cut off the screw as flush as I could, center punched it, and then used progressively bigger cobalt drill bits to mostly get it drilled out. My drill did wander a bit, but slow and steady worked for me. I then stuck a #10 stainless steel screw in there with a washer and called it a day. My original plan was to tap new threads and use a machine screw, but a sheet metal screw seemed easier and it's an awfully tight space to tap threads anyway.

The only issue with the whole thing is I accidentally drilled a hole right through the box... I figured it's not a big deal though since I have a screw in there anyway plugging the hole. I suppose I could do something like this if I needed to but does it really matter? I bet there's still a lot of life left. I did a first test run and it got up to 500+ degrees quickly so 🤷‍♂️.
Nah, you are good. The only thing of any concern is whether or not you used a stainless steel screw or not. I would suggest SS if you don't want the problem cropping up again soon.

