Help with beef ribs

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Hello everybody. I'm going to try beef ribs for the first time today. I plan on removing the membrane and applying a rub. I plan to cook them on my WSM for about 6 hours at about 225 degrees or so. I'll baste them a couple of times during the last 2 hours. However I do have a couple of questions.

1) Should I use water in the pan?

2) What kind of wood to use (I have oak, hickory, apple and mesquite)

Thanks for any help.

Peter H.
I'll try the oak and apple. I just realized that I put mesquite in my original post. I don't have any. I have oak, apple, hickory and cherry.
Hi Peter!

Glad you had some early success on your new smoker!

I would recommend you always use the water pan. That is how this smoker is designed...the water acts as a baffle for the heat. Without it, you will be in effect, cooking over direct heat. In the 6 years I have had my unit I only use without the pan in severe cold weather.

Don't worry about the bark formation because of the moist air. Again, I have never had a problem forming bark with the water pan.

finally made a good rack beef ribs Sun-cooked at about 250 for about 6 hrs with some black&red and wsm made garlic powder sprinmkled over the top of demembraned ribs-think the secret to success this time was cooking them bone up--never did mop them
finger licking good
Buzz in Wis
The beef ribs were great! I cooked the rubbed ribs on the lower rack and a pork butt on the top. I maintained a 215-225 degree temp at the top grate throughout. I cooked them for 8 hours ( I had a lot of trouble with the membrane so I left it on and they didn't dry out even at 8 hours!) and applied sauce every 30 minutes or so during the last 2 hours. mmmm mmmm mmmm
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