Help with a pork butt



TVWBB Member
I just bought a "Pork Shoulder Boston Butt" from BJs that weighs a little over 7 pounds. What do I do????? Every recipe I find on here calls for two pork butts. Should I go with one of them or change it up some? I do not want to do an over night cook to find out that my pork butt will be done at 6:30 am. I would be ok with Pulled Pork sandwiches for breakfast but my wife would not.
So if you're going to slow smoke the butt on a WSM, you need to count on 1 - 1 1/2 hours per pound. Cook until the meat reaches 185*, then if it is tender to a probe remove it, rest 30 - 60 minutes and pull. (If a probe won't slip in easily, check again every 5 - 10* until it will.) THEN you can eat.

Go here ( ) and read what Chris posted on cooking pork butt. I'm not sure, but I don't think he ever said anything about doing 2 at a time. But he does have a section on "Quick Cook".

Whatever recipes you found for two butts will work the same for one.
Time and temp will get you into the ballpark, butt as Rich mentioned tenderness is what you're after.
Me.. I like to do my butts @ 300°- 325° vent temps. Those usually run at about 1- 1 1/4 hrs per pound.(On my WSM.)
Hope it works out for you!
John,the one will cook as well as two will. Just use half the rub. And,as much as I hate it for ya,just get up early(6AM or so) and put it on the cooker. It should be done about 4 or so. Double wrap it in heavy duty foil and put it in a cooler until you are ready to shred it. Hope this helps and let us know how it turns out.
My attitude is always to smoke at least a couple of things whenever I get the WSM going, whether it's two butts or a but and a flat or some chicken. Afterwards, just pack it up with a Foodsaver and you're ready for whenever comapny comes over.

