Help, used Bar Keeper's Friend for 1st time


Fabian G

New member
on my black 2011 Genesis 330. BKF cleaned up and put a really nice shine on the stainless steel portion of the grill, i.e side arms but the black lid did not take so well. It kept drying with a white residue from BKF, no matter how many times I tried rescrubbing it and/or watering it down. Is this normal on the black lid? Is it because its coated and not just stainless steel? Any pointers? Many thanks!

Fabian, Howdy;

Common problem with scouring powders... try using a clean wet rag that has
been wetted with some water with some oxy-clean mixed in.

Once you have the residue off and it still looks dull you can try to polish it out to bring the shine back with some Meguiars NXT.

