Marnie Loomis
New member
Did my first smoke on the new 14.5 – and well the results were less than I had hoped. I sliced the zucchini and yellow squash vertically and just cut the top off of the carrots. Temp was 240 for 2 hours. The carrots were beyond recognition (tossed them) the zucchini was horrid, and the squash I was able to choke down (mostly out of pride of not wanting to admit the experiment was a complete loss!) So clearly I have some refinement of my technique. Anyone out there smoking veggies and any insights you can offer? My household has carnivores so I will be throwing down the meat very soon as they are anxious. Also, I read where others had recommended not smoking fish and meat at the same time – or even in the same smoker. Any thoughts / opinions / experiences with a fish / meat combo?