Help! Pescatarians and Vegetarians


Marnie Loomis

New member
Did my first smoke on the new 14.5 – and well the results were less than I had hoped. I sliced the zucchini and yellow squash vertically and just cut the top off of the carrots. Temp was 240 for 2 hours. The carrots were beyond recognition (tossed them) the zucchini was horrid, and the squash I was able to choke down (mostly out of pride of not wanting to admit the experiment was a complete loss!) So clearly I have some refinement of my technique. Anyone out there smoking veggies and any insights you can offer? My household has carnivores so I will be throwing down the meat very soon as they are anxious. Also, I read where others had recommended not smoking fish and meat at the same time – or even in the same smoker. Any thoughts / opinions / experiences with a fish / meat combo?

i haven't smoked veggies (except jalepenos), usually grill them but two hours sounds a little long. try less time next time. On fish and meat. Yes I have seen people say not to do both but I smoke both in my WSM 18" and don't see a problem. If you are really concerned, just fill with two chimneys with lit after you have smoked the fish and the smoker has nothing in it, and just let it go as hot as you can go....all vents open.
and keep it going till fuel is lose a little charcoal but will have peace of mind if you are worried.
thanks - I will give that a try tomorrow -

Updated - sorry about posting my question here - newbie - I just found the receipe portion of this site - so I'm going to spend some time there - bound to be some great ideas and hints there!
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Never smoked em, but have on many occasions thrown zucchini and yellow squash on the grill with great success. Olive Oil, salt n pepper, few minutes each side direct heat, good to go!
smoke salmon on my performer, and have never had any problems with it making anything else taste funny. I think thats a competition bbq thing.

