Help on meat question please (only my 2nd Smoke)

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MikeH AZ

New member
I am new to smoking and don't know a lot about "cuts" of meat (seen the chart and know where it comes from but not cooking changes) I was not planning far enough ahead and just got back from the store and they were out of "baby backs" so I ended up with "St. Louis" any cooking changes? Temp or time? any prep changes? Rub or triming? Have some "#1" rub I've heard so much about and going to try it in the A.M. for the first time (sure does make the cupboards smell great!) Also bought a Butt that I was going to use the same rub and put it on the bottom rack and put the ribs on top when its 5-6 hrs before dinner time so we can enjoy something that day (can i stack it like that?). We are doing the butt for sandwiches on Sunday....and Monday...and Tuesday LOL. I'm hopeing all u pros are up Q-ing like me and have some time to help the new-be. Thanx for your time.
Mike H, Here this might help youRib Styles #1 rub is great for both of them. Butt on the bottom till ribs are done. Them move up to top rack. Easier to get to and tend to.
Thanx soooo much Brian, but I just red your responce to Duncan...Did I just ruin my ribs if I just put on the rub and will start cooking around 11am in the morn.?
You have 2 choices wash it off or leave it. But first what rub did you use. Look for sodium nitrate in the ingredients.Please respond.
I used to put the rub on everything the night before, i no longer do that. Just my preference.
1-2 hours before is fine. Or 3 minutes if using the Texas BBQ rub
Even if using Head Country Rub i put it on 1-2 hours before, i feel i get a better end product. Bryan
I used the #1...Also VERY sorry I got your name wrong. Your name was only right in frount of me.(thats why I missed it
) If you thin I should wash it off do I rinse it under the tap and pat it dry the cover and refer and then rub in the morn abou 2hrs before?
Thanx, Bryan
Texas BBQ Rub #1 ? If so your fine my friend. But one question for you. I'm not trying to be smart here. Did'nt you read the directions on the web site. Sorry did'nt know how else to word it. Bryan Please respond
I'm not quite sure where I got the idea of doing the ribs the night before probly just got I mixed up with how to do the butt. I'v been reading sooo much info on this site since I got my WSM 2 weeks ago that it's all bluring together. No offence taken. I'm just so glad somebody was awake and is willing to help out
It is the Texas Rub #1. So Im O.K.? I'll just leve it alone then
Thanx again
P.S. I'll go read the directions now
Mike you are fine. Just remeber one thing. Ribs are thin and it does'nt take a lot of time for both sides to meet the middle. THAT GOES FOR SMOKE TOO.Be carefull with the wood. You want ribs not ham. Please post on how they came out. Bryan
Mike my apologies to you. You posted what rub you were using and i'm sorry for the brain fade on that.
Let us know how they turned out. Spending way too much time on the putter. must go to bed now
It's been on since about 1300hrs. havn't peeked yet but i'll check at the 4hr mark. Pic's will be added later...
Mike H,
Personally I would take them on out to about 6 hrs. they will be pulled back like the one end, all the way across. They do look good though!

Mike, They look awsome. I can almost smell them.The one end looks like it's starting to pull away but the rest of them are not. Did you flip and turn them at all.
No I did not flip or turn then but you learn as ya go I guess
It's Midnight and all is ether eatn' or pulled! It was awsome!

Thanx again for everyones help! I put up the last of the pics about five min ago.(use the same link as above)
As Alton Brown says "Good Eats!"
Bryan, again THANK YOU!
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