help needed for pork picnic and the butt


George M.

New member
I have bought a shoulder of pork (the picnic and the butt 1 piece)that I want cook for my sons birthday this weekend .The whole thing weighs about 9.5Kg/20lb's and would like to do pulled pork,I have only ever cooked boston butts on my weber/cajun bandit using charcoal and my bbq guru.I don't know what do with it
My questions are
How should I cook it???
Should I cut it down to 2 pieces???
Or keep it whole???
How long would it take to cook the whole 9.5Kg/20lb's in 1 piece low/slow at 220F/105c???
All suggestions welcome and gratefull!!!
George M..........
Cook it the same way you would a boston butt. I cook them whole but cutting it should speed it up a little. Time depends on the thickness of your 20lb piece of meat and your cooking temperature, whether or not you foil it etc. My last 18lber took about 20 hours at an average cooker temp of 250.
Per Bob, cook it like a normal butt, just longer. If you cut it, which is all that a butcher would do to make a picnic and butt, you will reduce cook times and increase the surface area of your rub. The biggest I've ever done was 16lbs and it took me 20 hrs at 250F.
Take a before and after picture. You'll be surprised at the difference.

Good luck !

