Help! Need y'alls expert opinion regarding Summit S-620



New member
Quick background. I have only grilled less than 15 times in my life but have enjoyed it every time. I've never owned a grill other than a hand me down charcoal grill.

Here's my dilemma where I need y'alls advice:

I was fortunate enough to purchase a brand new Weber Summit S-620 with a broken door and wheel for $900 out the door , which I've already ordered the parts for. This is a big grill obviously and way more than I need in a first grill and to get my feet wet in my new foreseen hobby of grilling.

Here's my two options:
1. sell it to a guy locally for $1650 and put the profit toward a Genesis s-330 at $1000 out the door so essentially my cash out of pocket on the genesis s-330 would be $250.
2. Keep it knowing I got a much bigger, arguably better grill for the price of a Genesis?

is the summit too big for a beginner or will I be able to grow into it as it should be a long term grill for me? My personal feelings are it IS TOO BIG, and I'd be just as happy with a s-330 and would be less cash out of pocket.

Let me know your thoughts and what you would do in my situation. Thanks so much and look forward to learning much from the forum.
I would keep it if you intend to grow in the gas grilling world, but a couple of things come to mind. One is that’s one big puppy and if your cooking for just a couple of people an overkill for sure. If you have a large family or entertain a lot of folks you will appreciate the extra grill space. Also the space requirements and the amount of fuel it will consume if you're using all the burners. The other is if you really get into the hobby someday that gasser will be a wind brake for your WSM or kettle charcoal grill. You can cook excellent food on a gasser but charcoal and smoking is the challenge and fun in out door cooking IMHO. Look around on the forum and see how much is done with charcoal vs. gas.
Also welcome to the Forum some really helpful and friendly people here so don't be afraid to ask questions.
rich thanks very much for the insight. Im leaning toward selling it. Currently it is me my wife and 3 month old daughter, so i definitely do not need the grilling space. Pending the sale I guess I will spend some time on the forum researching grills and maybe smokers vs the s-330. thanks again!
If someone is waiting at your door to buy it to give you a profit, then by all means take the money. There will always be other deals and good Craigslist finds daily. You'd be just as happy with a brand new Genesis as with a Summit IMHO.
Sell it, make a profit, and look on craigslist for a killer deal on one!

I am the little lady are perfectly fine with a 2013 3 Burner Spirit. Have also held BBQ's with it for 10+ people. Out the door cost us 500 and well worth it.

Unless I have a huge family in the next 10 years, this is fine for me.
Like Rich I can see it both ways. You currently own one of the top gas grills on the face of the planet. I agree it is big but if you are making a protein, a starch, and a vegetable all on the same grill it's full. IMO having the extra space will be something you will grow to appreciate. If all you want to do is cook a couple burgers just fire up two of the burners. You may use a little more gas but it will be worth it given all the other advantages the Summit offers. You can always get a Kettle grill or WSM to go with it.
That size is something you may find yourself making use of. For instance it allows you to do way more than just one part of your meal and have everything ready at same time rather than trying to time it or use multiple grills. This is something I do and enjoy when I use my big Wolf 6 burner. Also that Summit should have a rear rotisserie burner and once you learn to spin wonderful roasts and chickens you will be hooked. Just over the weekend I spun a delicious leg of lamb. This is a feat the new style Genesis just does not do as well as the old style or that Summit with the dedicated burner. Also a huge tip
If you decide to keep it don't fall in to the trap of only turning on say 2 or 3 burners. Get the grill HOT with all burners, then turn down as needed or turn off as needed. But always get the grill hot and stable first
I would lean toward selling it, but it depends on your financial situation. It's not too big to learn on, the extra space and burners make it easier to use and more versatile. I would be happy with a new or used Genesis. Either way you can't lose.
Sorry I wasn't more help.
Having read through this thread and considering this waiting buyer, I would sell.

Do some more research...possibly some dealers in your area will be doing grill demos as grilling season approaches.
Thanks everyone for your input. Buyer isn't available until tomorrow so I haven't been leaving them hanging. At this point I'm planning on selling bc like Chang said id be just as happy with a genesis. If they back out then I may end up keeping as several of you say I can grow into it and will probably use the extra space. Please feel free to continue providing your opinions. Thanks so much!
Seems like you already made up your mind. Not knocking the Genesis but for what you got that bad boy for you can do things a Genesis could not dream of. I can't imagine why you would not keep it and know how nice it is, rather than getting the smaller unit and than a year from now when you've figured out how great that bad boy is wishing you had something bigger to do more with. Again the Genesis is a great grill but even with my Summit 450 I find myself needing an additional grill on some meals.
Wait, did you say it was a S-620? With 6 burners? That thing is a beast. You got it at less than half price. That's an amazing deal.
I had been comparing the Genesis with the S-420, which has just one extra burner. But doubling the burners makes it a game changer.

I'm speaking from the perspective of a former 4 burner (cheap) gas grill user. I'd use it only once a month. Now, with a variety of Weber products (mostly purchased on CL), I find myself grilling several times a week. I use my Q200 grill for quick cooks (potato wedges, grilled cheese, hot dogs, chicken teriyaki, etc.), and I love the efficiency of that thing. With the Q, I'm using only a fourth of the propane I used to. But for most cooks I bust out the charcoal chimney and light up my WSM build, or my One Touch Silver 22". I love cooking with charcoal and don't see myself needing a larger gas grill at all for the foreseeable future.

If it's possible that the Summit might end up filling space and rarely being used, then it would be sad for the Summit (and for you). It'd be better off with someone who'd use it regularly. But if you ever get the bbq/smoking bug and get hooked, there's no turning back!
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Sounds like you have a nice machine for a great price....I would flip it, buy a performer and lots and lots of toys and charcoal to go with it. Just my opinion, I do own a gasser, but it doesn't get used much at all.
Well guys i sold it tonight and made $700 profit. Was a little tougher to do after reading Michael's and chang's latest post but ultimately i wasn't sure I could do the grill justice cooking primarily for two people. I'm about 99% sure I'm going to get a s-330 which will be more my size and not look so much like I was trying to over compensate for something. I know I'm going to be just as happy grilling in front of the genesis as I would have the summit 620. Ultimately I was in a win win situation and there probably wasn't a right or wrong choice. Thanks so much for your input and thoughts. Now I've gotta go buy a grill again and determine my first meal!
Hey, $700 profit means you're getting a Genesis for nearly free. Now that's a sweet deal!

I'd go with the EP330. Same grill; just no stainless on the outside, and save another $100. I personaly think the custom colors are nicer than the stainless, ymmv.
I'd go with the EP330. Same grill; just no stainless on the outside, and save another $100. I personaly think the custom colors are nicer than the stainless, ymmv.

I agree. The colors look classy. Also, the colors are much easier to clean than the damn brushed stainless.
Well picked up an s-330 today from my local ace and was able to work out $100 off so decided to go that route vs the smoke color ep-330. Got them to price match the Costco deal which sold out of their s-330 since Monday when I saw they had several. After the profit on the 620 i got an s-330 for $202 including tax not a bad deal at all after a little working and selling. Put it together tonight and can't wait to fire her up.

