Help me order beef ribs..


Brian Staley

Hey guys, I need some help. I can't find beef ribs around here. I have even tried meat markets. no go..
But I found a place where I can get them fresh...Like REALLY fresh... I don't want short ribs, I want to hold a big hunk of meat on a big ol bone! What do I ask for? I said I didn't want short ribs, but the bone and all. He told me this was a 2.5 foot by 2.5 foot slab! Do I just ask them to split this across the bones to make it two racks? Or is this cut called something that I don't know?
Around here I get "beef back ribs."

Most stores have them in racks of about 4 ribs each about 8" or so long. Cooked they look like:


And served:


In fact, I've been asked to make them Saturday when family comes over and I might make them on Sunday too for my fishing buddy.

I'm surprised that folks can't find them. They're easy to find around here. I can get them from multiple sources. I even found them in Sacramento when we were out there last month.

On Primal Grill, Steve Raichlen had "beef long ribs" which looked bigger yet. That sounds like what your butcher was describing. Or maybe it was the long ribs and back ribs still connected. I find the back ribs to be a good size to fit between indirect coals on a 22 1/2" kettle.
Hey Brian, What you are lookin for is called beef back ribs. The beef back ribs has less meat on them compared to the short rib but the meat is a lot more tender.

Don't know how close they are to you but there is a family owned beef farm called Chapman Farms in Johnstown.
Very similar problem here, can't find them at all for weeks. Then I check some of the same grocery stores and they have tons of beef back ribs.

You have to be selective as some will be mostly bone with little meat. I was lucky to find some that were in great shape last time I made them, but took a while to find good quality that were fresh.
Where in WV are you located? I travel to Morgantown quite a bit and saw some nice ones at Kroger last time I was there.
I am in Huntington Mike. I have hit two Kroger stores, a Wal-Mart, a Sam's Club,3 meat markets, and the one slaughter house. It was the slaughter house that told me about the FULL (?) racks. You would think they would have known about back ribs..
One meat market said they don't mess with them because they come in one massive frozen block. And I am not sure I am ready to purchase a case of beef back ribs..
But man, I could really go for a bite about now..
Randalls (Safeway) usually has them when they have Rib-Eye on sale. I like getting them fresh this way since they have more meat on them. Most of the frozen ones I have seen tend to have a lot of the meat trimmed off already. They usually go for $1.69/lb or so.

