HELP! I need some advice...

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I love this site. I just found it yesterday while researching possible smokers. I am in the process of deciding, and I would like to receive some feedback. I had my heart set on an off-set smoker, but after reading through this site I feel like this would be less hassle. I want to spend under $200, so the off-set smokers I have been looking at are the char-griller super pro with the firebox option, the char-broil silver smoker, or the WSM. It seems as though most of you have done your homework and know a lot more than I about BBQ, so I was wondering if any of you have heard about char griller or char broil, and if they are inconsistent with their heat output. Do you need to tend to the fire more with off-sets, or does it depend on the brand? The reason I would like an off-set is because it can be used as a grill as well. Anyone heard anything about these brands? I'll probably end up with a WSM, but I just want to have all the info so I never regret my decision, or wonder "what if...?"
Thanks for your help.
You will tend the fire a lot more, relatively speaking, with an offset than a WSM. After a few WSM cooks, you will be able to "set it and forget it" (more or less). If your budget is under $200, the offsets in that price range aren't worth bothering with-- too thin metal won't hold the heat, making temp control even harder. For the money you would spend on a decent offset, you could have a WSM and a really nice kettle grill, and a starter chimney, and a digital thermometer, and...
Dave, Welcome!!

Over the years I have cooked on many smokers including the less expensive side-winders. They will all work, but they also suffer from some design flaws.

With off-sets, you are constantly battling air rises but you need it to travel sideways. That means you better have an airtight chamber with the correct draw characteristics. This is where the problems start.

Rather than go thru and re-list them, here are some mods that can be done to make these cheapies work better. The narrative explains each flaw and the mod to fix it......

Smoker Mods

Your exhaust vent needs to be extended down to the grate is currently fixed at the top of the unit. This can be done easily with some aluminum flashing....just roll it up and shove it up into the exhaust pipe and make sure it comes all the way down to the grate. It makes opening the top a little more difficult on some models, but you need this to be done.

Why??? Heat will follow the path to the nearest exhaust opening. In this case it goes directly from your firebox, thru the opening and directly up to the top of the unit. Thereby passing OVER your meat. The temp difference between the grate and the top of the unit can be 100º! By getting that exhaust opening at the grate....the heat will now flow horizontally to the far end of your cooking chamber.

Check the opening between your firebox and cooking chamber. Look to see where it is located in reference to the it above the grate or half way above or below. Here again, your hot air will come blasting out of that opening and go directly thru your meat over to the now extended exhaust. That means it will be very hot at that opening. A simple solution is to put a large pan of water right at that opening. This will deflect much of the heat and will tone down that hot spot.

A surer fix is to attach a "baffle plate" to the top of the opening and bend it downwards so it deflects the heat UNDERNEATH the grate. No welding required but you would have to drill a couple of holes and simply use nuts and bolts to attach. The thicker the metal the better the baffle.

The firebox also leaves a lot to be desired. They have a problem with nowhere for the spent ash to go, so, they eventually drown the live coals out. Resulting in a fire that will burn for a very short period of time. This can be remedied by placing bricks underneath the corners of the fire grate. This raises it above the bottom of the firebox and allows those ashes to drop out of the way.

Second problem is the coals get too spread out on the grate. If you could somehow “stack” them, you could take advantage of a technique that would allow for much longer burn times. I have seen charcoal baskets that help to keep the charcoal all in one place and allow for some air circulation. This can be an actual extruded metal basket or a “ring” that is designed to keep the briqs in one place while burning. Even the high-end smokers lack this critical piece of equipment. Folks using these have much longer burn times and much easier temp controls. Why?? Once your charcoal starts to burn down, the live coals get smothered and choked out by the ash. By allowing airflow, your temps will stay where you need them and are much easier to control because of the added air.
Here is a link to charcoal baskets and also pics and further explanation of the mods for some specific cookers...........

Charcoal Baskets
The supermarket offsets is not money well spent. Very chessy construction and the fit is really bad. Look at one close up especially where the lid meets the main barrel. The WSM uses heavier gauge steel and it's porcelin coated. No rust worries.Hope this helps, Bryan
That's not exactly true. Most offsets-- even the cheesiest-- have thicker steel than a WSM, but that's oranges to apples. The WSM is a different cooker design-- a vertical water smoker. Its strengths lie in a virtually air-tight construction, adjustable vents, and a high-quality porcelain enamel-coated finish. Together, these give what both the recreational and competitive barbecuer need to produce true, low & slow-cooked BBQ.

I have the Char-griller Super pro. After about a year fooling with various mods and tending to the fire full-time, I grew tired of it and figured it would be easier for me to go buy good BBQ than to try to make it myself. Don't get me wrong, you can turn out good product on one of these but the work I had to put in was tremendous compared to what I have to do for my WSM. The main reason is that with low-end supermarket offsets like the Char-griller, there a number of air leaks that make it extremely difficult to have much control over the fire. I still use my chargriller as a grill, it works great for that purpose, but when I want to do low & slow I don't even look in its direction.

If you really have your heart set on an offset I would suggest looking into the more high end units. However you will end up having to spend quite a bit more than $200.

I must agree...even the inexpensive offsets are made of thicker material than the WSM...What you are getting with the WSM is a tight and well constructed bullet smoker.....Bullets are more efficient by design...Heat rises...Blah Blah Blah....When comparing bullets, the WSM wins hands down.

Back to your problem....Offset vs Bullet? If your budget is around $200. buy the WSM!

In fact, if you buy it from AMAZON.COM by July 31st It will cost you $154.00 (Delivered!) Just be sure to use the AMAZON link on our home page and use the Promo Code listed at the top of the forum (JULYEVENTAMZ). Buying through the "Home Page" link helps our site.

Good luck in your decision and welcome to this great online community.
If you spend the $200 on the WSM you'll have a fine smoker that will provide you with excellent results with a minimum amount of effort on your part. If you spend the same on an offset you'll get a poorly constructed one which you'll need to modify and still have an inferior piece of equipment which will require much effort and attention on your part.

The point that i was trying to make was that with the cheaper offsets the sheet metal is too thin for what their trying to achive. if they made the offset 1/2 the size then the steel used would be ok. Thats why a Close or Gator etc.... costs $800.00 + bucks cause they use Plate steel not sheet metal. Link to amazon through this site use the coupon and you'll be smokin next weekend. you won't be disapointed /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
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