Help! First butts now at hour 17.5 temp at 172-180

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Doug Parizo

TVWBB Member
Hi all,

I'm a relatively new WSM'er -- trying my first pulled pork this weekend -- it's still cooking now. I'm afraid my pit temp has been too low too long, and I don't know why it's so stubborn. Overnight the temp was stable at 210. I'm at the 17.5 hour mark, and the meat internal temp is 172-180 and the pit temp has agian settled at 210. I guess my question is, do I really need to wait for 195, or can we eat now?


Wrap it in foil and stick it in the oven at 250 degrees. At this point I don't think you'll miss out on any flavor. Check in 30 minutes to see if it's done.
Tom -- it's falling off the bone and I think I'm passing the fork-twist test easily -- it's shredding with little effort (and it tastes really good.) Meal time?
For me it depends on what time you want to serve dinner. If i were serving at 6:00 I'd wrap it in foil (and first original saran wrap if I had it but no other plastic wrap and set the oven at 225 (original saran is safe to 250 most other plastic wraps will melt ata lower temprature) leave it there until 5;00 or so then turn off the oven and at 5:30 or so unwrap and shred it.

While the others are right you dont have to wiat until 195 the advantage is in a better shredding texture as more of the collagen will have broken down. This only happens when themeat is in the range of 165 and up. Internal meat temps higher than 200 may leave you with a drier meat. If you wanted slices your in the done range now. I'd still hold the reoast for an hour or so even if I was slicing just lower the oven temp to 200.

Good eating!!!

Its one of those great situations that you really cant go wrong and there is no one right answer.
I had the same problem on my first smoke, on the second, I was a little late in getting it on the smoker. At about 4:00 in the afternoon I stuck the first meat probe in and my temp was at 165-168. I foiled the butt and put it right back on the smoker, I opened the vents a little and brought the temp up to about 240 and it hit 195 in about 1.5 hours. I then stuck it in the cooler for an hour and then pulled it. it turned out great.

I learned from my very first smoke not to panic. Butt is very forgiving. If your timing is off, you can foil at the end and bring the temp up quickly (I am not venturing into the foil/no foil debate, just stating my experience). You can even crank the temp up to 250 or so and let it bring the temperature of the meat up.

Good luck.
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